Olhe ao seu redor. Esfregue os seus gravetos mentais e acenda um fogo. Acorde o macaquinho do sótom-mental. Eles estão lá, estão por toda a parte, e sustentam o seu mundo. É só ver. O que eles significam? Pra mim? Hum... bem... o que eles significam para você? Veja, simplesmente veja-os. Afinal, as maiores viagens também começaram com um único passo.

quarta-feira, novembro 29, 2006

Ladytron [[Destroy Everything you touch]]

Enjoy o mais puro dream-pop;)
Destroy everything you touch today
Destroy me this way
Anything that may desert you
So it cannot hurt you
You only have to look behind you
At who's underlined you
Destroy everything you touch today
Destroy me this way
Everything you touch you don't feel
Do not know what you steal
Shakes your hand
Takes your gun
Once you are on the sun
What you touch you don't feel
Do not know what you steal
Destroy everything you touch today
Please destroy me this way
Destroy everything you touch today
Destroy me this way
Anything that may delay you
Might just save you
You only have to look behind you
At who's underlined you
Destroy everything you touch today
Destroy me this way
Everything you touch you don't feel
Do not know what you steal
Shakes your hand
Takes your gun
Once you are on the sun
Once you touch you don't feel
Do not know what you steal
Destroy everything you touch today
Please destroy me this way
Everything you touch you don't feel
Do not know what you steal
Shakes your hand
Takes your gun
Once you are on the sun
Once you touch you don't feel
Do not know what you steal
Destroy everything you touch today
Please destroy me this way
Stay beautifull ^^v

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